13F: Introduction

I promised to start sending out a series of posts on tracking my favorite hedge funds and their stocks picks.  Starting today I will be sending out a weekly post on Sunday for you to read with your NFL consumption.  For those not interested in the world of 13Fs, I will distinguish these posts by starting each one with “13F” and you can just skip or delete…but I think you will find them as interesting as I do.

There will be a few intro posts, then approximately 20-30 manager profiles.  This will depend on interest, feedback, etc.  Perhaps if people like we could start profiling emerging managers or even extend this to interviews.  But, I will let my audience dictate where this all goes.  If there is a particular manager you are interested in, please let us know.

I was going to just include all the text in the email but I think it is too long so I have moved to PDF…

Let’s begin!