Attractive Stocks Under $10

The Bespoke Investment Group is one of my favorite blogs.  If you are like me, and love to see data in chat and tabular form then their site is a treasure trove of information.  They have both a free and premiuim offering, and they have graciously agreed to let us share some of their premium reports in this week’s Idea Farm.

In the below pieces, all eight of them, Bespoke shares some indicators and analysis on everything from sector overviews, to economic indicators, to what happens after noon on a big up day …

From one piece:


“During the third quarter earnings season that ran from October 9th through November 15th, 91 US companies reported earnings triple plays. These are stocks that beat earnings and revenue estimates and also guided higher on their report days. We  consider triple plays to be the cream of the crop of earnings season, so they’re all worth researching for potential buy opportunities. We went through the price charts of these 91 triple play stocks and identified the ones that we believe look the most attractive from a technical perspective right now. The 16 names listed below are the stocks from the triple plays list that stood out as having the most bullish chart patterns. These stocks have all just had extremely positive earnings reports, and they

have technicals on their side as well. Price charts for all 16 stocks are provided on pages two and three.”

A sample from the piece:

Download the PDFs here (if you’re only going to read one, read the bolded Week in Review):

Morning Lineup (11/2/2012)

Economic Indicators (11/5/2012)

Bah Humbug (11/20/2012)

Sector Snapshot (11/23/2012) shows all of the reports that come with the Premium service.


Bespoke is a British term for tailored clothing made at a customer’s behest.  Bespoke clothing is “created without use of a pre-existing pattern, differentiating it from made to measure, which alters a standard-sized pattern to fit the customer.”

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Bespoke Investment Group LLC was formed in May 2007 by Paul Hickey and Justin Walters.  As illustrated by Bespoke’s Think B.I.G. website, we offer some of the most original content and intuitive thinking on the Street.   For investors not looking for customized work, Bespoke also offers Bespoke Premium — a subscription level service for investors of all types.

Bespoke Premium offers a variety of unique investment products including:

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