Questioning QE and More on CAPE

Quick housekeeping:  For those new to the list, we send out about 2-3 emails like the below each week.  There is no login.  At the request of many subscribers we will be adding an archive here soon, so stay tuned!

In the below issue we include two links.  First, a webinar well worth listening to from Shiller/Barclay’s/IndexU.  Who better to hear chat about CAPE than Shiller?

My only comment is I think their current values on the consumer disc/staples are way off…but fun to hear them talk about CAPEs of railroads for the entire 20th Century!  Also good to hear they are doing research in foreign countries and sectors…

Topics covered include:

  • Long-term sector valuation: CAPE ratio

  • Applying the momentum signal to avoid the “value trap”

  • Best practices for both strategic and tactical use of CAPE

Below is a great chart from Minerd at Guggenheim looking at inflation expectations vs. commodity returns.  No surprise but a great chart…



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