The Thin Green Line

Fun interview with Paul Sullivan and the Bonner and Partners Investor Network.

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Sex is sex. You’re either creating another human being or you’re enjoying yourself. Either way, it should be pleasurable. But for some people, sex can become a stand-in for other issues in their lives. Money is very similar. Money should simply be a medium of exchange. You want to buy a new computer? It costs X. You have that?


It shouldn’t be a way to compare yourself with your neighbors. It shouldn’t be a way to keep score… or a way to beat some imagined opponent. It shouldn’t be how you define yourself. Your self-worth should never equal your net worth . On the flip side, there are people who are too vigilant about money. They’re afraid to spend. People like that won’t go broke. But they’re going to deprive themselves of a pleasurable life – taking a vacation or buying a new car every 5 or 10 years.


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