This Market in 97 Percentile

I’ve featured The Macro Trader a few times on The Farm over the years.  It is the only place I know of that tracks the Value Line Median Appreciation Potential chart all the way back to 1968.  Not surprisingly, it’s in the red zone.

Chart & download:

—-“Each week we show four different long term valuation gauges in the US Equities section of our indicators and tables. All of them show that the market is on the high side if not outright bubble territory. One of them, the VLMAP-Value Line Median Appreciation Potential shown in the chart below, is showing a potential of 35% over the next 3-5 years. This puts the current potential in the 96.80% percentile which means that the market has only been higher valued 3.2% of the time since 1968.”


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