Top Podcasts of the Week

Below are the top podcasts of the week!

INVESTMENT RELATED———————————————————————————-MarketFox Interview with Rob Arnott

Rob Arnott, founder of Research Affiliates, discusses his early interest in investing, and quant investing and the problem with conventional wisdom. He discusses several papers he has written, and some of the evidence he found that flies in the face of conventional wisdom, from companies with higher payout ratios achieving faster earnings growth, to conclusions about buybacks and dividends, to the equity risk premium. Next, Rob transitions into his take on factor timing, scaling position sizing, and the tax drag that can eliminate pre-tax alpha and returns. He also gets into tax properties of various fund structures, and mentions that ETFs offer the most tax-advantaged structure of the fund alternatives.

Jeremy Grantham, co-founder and CIO of asset management firm GMO discusses climate change, the Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, climate change and agriculture, GMO’s experience through the last two downturns, the gap between US and emerging market stock valuation, current tariffs leading to deflation, and his thoughts about moral hazard and bailouts.

NON INVESTMENT RELATED POTPOURRI———————————————————————————-

World renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrated medicine, Dr. Andrew Weil talks with Tim Ferriss about his background in botany, integrated medicine, and studying the therapeutic effects of psychedelics.


Meb‘s Episode

Good investing,Meb