Top Podcasts of the Week

Below are the top podcasts of the week!

The Curious Investor- Active versus Passive

Legendary investors Jack Bogle, Founder of Vanguard and Cliff Asness, founder of  AQR Capital Management weigh in on the active vs. passive debate, shed light on some critical definitions that are often weakly defined in the debate, and actually discuss how each of their lines of reasoning on successful investing are closer than one might think.

POTPOURRI (Not investment related but still great)

Invest Like the Best- Ep. 99a – Boyd Varty – Live Like a Tracker

In Part 1 of a 2 part show, Patrick has a conversation with Boyd Varty and their shared “track your life” experience where they tracked animals in the wild for 5 days in Africa. They discuss the lessons they learn by being in the wild, and the state of presence people experience when on this journey, and how it compares with daily life for many. In Part 2 of a 2 part show, Patrick has a conversation with Boyd Varty and his sister Bronwyn about some deep subjects like shame, imbalance, the abundance of being connected, and addressing true needs.

Capital Allocators – Ep. 64 Ben Reiter – Moneyball 2.0

The episode guest is Ben Reiter, a senior writer for Sports Illustrated and author of Astroball: The New Way to Win it All. Ben discusses his project following the Houston Astros, and how they stuck to a process that married human input and rigorous statistics to deliver success after going through a period of terrible seasons..

Good investing,Meb