Top Podcasts of the Week

Below are the top podcasts of the week!

——————————————————————————INVESTMENT RELATED

Private fund focused on farmland investing, which I learned has only about 2%! institutional ownership…

Excited to see this podcast develop!

The discussion gets into investment risk, specifically home bias, market timing, CAPE ratios, and inflation.

Nadig has forgotten more about ETFs than I will ever know.  Always worth a listen…


POTPOURRI (Not investment related but still great)

Not a podcast but a great video well worth watching!

James Altucher interviews Yuval Harari, an expert on human evolution and author of Sapiens. Yuval discusses evolution, how the agricultural revolution impacted the human species, where the species is going with the use of AI, the idea that humans are hackable animals, how AI could replace the middle class, and what it might take to re-train those who lose jobs in such a scenario.

Hamilton has a fun TV show worth watching too…


Meb‘s Episode

Good investing,Meb