Top Podcasts of the Week

Below is our “Top Podcast” episode with our curator, Colby Donovan!

Today we have a must-listen on the state of private and public markets, Morgan Housel on his new book, an episode on the metals market, and a great episode with sleep expert Matthew Walker.

  • ***Must Listen*** Invest Like the Best: Michael Mauboussin — Great Migration Public to Private Equity. Mauboussin joins the episode to discuss his recent paper/mini-book (82 pages), Public to Private Equity in the United States: A Long-Term Look. The conversation is a must-listen for all money managers and he covers a lot. Topics discussed include the fact that buyouts are at a record high while IPO’s are less frequent, but total public assets are only ~5% less now than they’ve been historically. He also discusses the venture capital industry and the fact that the best funds continue to perform best, which he thinks is due to reputation. Lastly, he addresses the increase in stock based compensation over the past 40–50 years, which has become a way of financing for companies. [September 1, 2020–59 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

In 1969 there were 720 IPO’s, which is 20% of the public companies today.

  • This Week in Startups: E1102 The Next Unicorns E15: Zero Mass Water CEO Cody Friesen is perfecting drinking water with hydropanels. Zero Mass Water is one of the most interesting companies I’ve heard about in a while. Their mission is to provide clean water to places all over the world and as costs continue to come down, it will become easier to accomplish. CEO Cody Friesen explains how they can now have two panels on a household of five that can provide a pack of water per day. They also talk about the importance of the company’s culture in their success to date, and the importance of capitalism as the engine that spurs companies like this that are having a major positive impact in the world. [August 29, 2020–1 hour, 34 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

  • The Meb Faber Show: #246 — Eric Sprott, Mark O’Dea, Oxygen — I’m Trying To Look For Some Value That’s Not Appreciated By The Market. Eric Sprott is a Canadian businessman and investor and Mark O’Dea is Chairman and Founder of Oxygen Capital. The episode focuses on commodities and the current environment and how they think investors should implement ideas. They cover recent institutional ownership of gold miners (Buffett), why they think the price of the commodity is more important than management’s ability, and why they think the metals market is currently being manipulated. They also discuss their current silver and gold projects underway right now and the importance of patience when investing in these projects. [September 2, 2020–49 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

  • Masters in Business: Morgan Housel on the Culture of Finance. Housel is a Partner at the Collaborative Fund and arguably the top finance writer. He covers a lot in this episode but mostly provides a great mental framework for how to think about money, which is the idea in his new book, The Psychology of Money. He discusses how he structures his days with the goal of writing articles every week (which are incredible), how he prioritizes reading and walking which provide him time to think, how he personally handles his finances with the knowledge he has, and lessons he’s learned in 2020 about investing, most notably that the biggest risk is the one no one is talking about beforehand (COVID-19, 9/11, etc.). He also talks about the different skillsets needed between getting rich and staying rich. [September 4, 2020–1 hour, 14 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

  • Chat With Traders: 202: Wayne Himelsein — Betting Against Stability. Himelsein is the Chief Investment Officer of Logica Capital Advisors, a quantitative firm that is mostly model-driven and focuses on mean reversion strategies that are long volatility. He explains what he means by being long volatility, how he utilizes lessons learned from his early prop-trading days to achieve returns in a low vol environment, and what his general thoughts are on constructing models and pit-falls people succumb to when constructing them.[September 3, 2020–1 hour, 9 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

  • The Meb Faber Show: #245 — Eva Goicochea, Maude — The Ethos Of The Company Is To Make Sex More Human, More Normalized, Destigmatized…To Do That, It Started With Design. Goicochea is the CEO of Maude, a company focusing on sexual wellness. She explains the laws that have gotten the industry to where it is today, the core products they offer, and how they have focused on keeping a smaller offering to start. She also explains how the company has done since COVID with both trying to keep items in stock with massive spikes in sales and handling supply chain disruptions. She finishes with discussing the company’s third round of fundraising that just closed.[August 31, 2020–37 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

The Rest
  • The Daily Stoic: Ask Daily Stoic: Ryan and Mark Manson Discuss What You Should Actually Give a F*** About. Mark Manson is the author of the best-seller The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and he and Holiday have a great conversation about keeping the right mindset throughout life. They cover the importance of not being driven to impress others in life, why you have to avoid the hedonic treadmill, and why you have to focus on living a life that makes you happy. [August 29, 2020–49 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link

The recognition, the validation actually isn’t what makes me feel happy.

  • The Peter Attia Drive: #126 — Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Sleep and immune function, chronotypes, hygiene tips, and addressing questions about his book. Sleep expert and best-selling author of Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker, joins Peter Attia’s podcast again for another wide-ranging conversation on sleep. He has a lot of new insights on sleep since COVID started, including the fact that people are sleeping more and night-owls have benefitted a lot. He also explains why increased anxiety levels have caused people to have strange dreams, how sleep impacts immune health, and provides sleep hygiene tips. You can listen to his past episodes on Attia’s podcast herehere, and here. [August 31, 2020–1 hour, 41 minutesiTunes Podcast | Spotify | Overcast |Google | Breaker | Website Link


Morgan Housel (Partner, The Collaborative Fund):

Ryan Begelman (Cofounder, Summit):

Ben Cohen (NBA Journalist, Wall Street Journal):

Sahil Lavingia (Founder and CEO, Gumroad):


Morgan Housel (Partner, The Collaborative Fund):

Good investing,
